Alabama, homeschool, event, statewide
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Bigger than a field trip, this day will be an opportunity for our community across the state to gather and show our support for each other, and our strength as a whole!


⭐Capitol Day Reimagined⭐


Thank you all for your support, your enthusiasm, and your participation in this idea of ours. We are thrilled with how we have shown that homeschoolers in our state come together in a BIG WAY when the call is made. Over 1400 people have registered to attend this event. When we come together like this, we make such a difference and impact for our kids. This Alabama Homeschool Capitol Day event will be recreated in the original form, and with all the work, ideas, and inspirations that we have already begun this year.. next year.

For now we will be bringing this event to you in a new incarnation. A lot of work is being done to turn this on a dime, but we are pretty excited about what we are creating.  We are eager to share the details with you. Please bear with us; official announcements will be coming soon..we just have a few more phone calls to make and details to nail down. We can’t wait to still celebrate Home Education Day in Alabama with you!!

Thank you so much for your understanding and patience during all of this. ❤

Special Activities

For the Whole Family

Meet Your Representatives

We plan to hear from several of our legislators, introduce our community to them, visit the legislative floors to see government in action, and more.

Explore Our Capital City

Special tours and activities will get you and your students familiar with our state government and our capital city, and registration packets will include info to enhance your time in Montgomery.

Connect with Other Families

Interact and share with other homeschool families from around the state.  Through our T-Shirt Design Contest as well as Outstanding Student Awards, we will see our homeschool community in action.


Our T-Shirt Design Contest Winner!

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

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Family Registration

Let us know you and your family will be there!

Register Now!

Efforts Led By

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