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Outstanding Alabama Homeschool Student Awards
T-Shirt Design Contest
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Alabama, homeschool, event, statewide
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FREE Registration! Help us prepare for your attendance.
Name of Primary Parent/Guardian/Adult
Main person who will receive communications and also be responsible for family's involvement.
Please list all members of your family who are attending:
First Name
Last Name
For students, please indicate age. This helps us to insure adequate activities are prepared and age appropriate.
For adults, you can simply enter 'Adult.'
Primary Email
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Best Phone for Contact or Text Messages
Would you like to make a donation toward the success of Alabama Homeschool Capitol Day?
Donation for AL Homeschool Capitol Day
If you would like to make a donation to support our event, it will aid in meeting the requirements of the Capitol grounds, expenses for printed materials, and provision of more resources for our families. Donation receipts can be supplied for tax purposes.
Enter your donation amount here
Payment Method
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Credit Card
Credit Card
Card Details
Cardholder Name
Note that this payment will appear as "Essentialcs" on your card statement.
You will be redirected to PayPal upon submission of this form. Failure to complete payment will cancel this form. Note that payment will be processed by Essential for the benefit of this event.
Are you willing and able to volunteer at our event?
Please let us know more about your availability to volunteer:
We will contact you more regarding your involvement.
We have read the following guidelines:
Things to remember ~ Alabama Homeschool Capitol Day
We want to welcome everyone to our First Alabama Capitol Day. On this day we look to enjoy engaging with legislators and introducing them to our community. To ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time, and we are putting our best foot forward, we want to share these reminders of conduct as we gather together.
Families Welcome:
We want to welcome all of our Alabama homeschool families to come on this day, and to participate in the many activities we have planned. A strong showing of our families at this event will show better than anything we say how seriously we take our liberties, and how important we consider maintaining them. We want to encourage parents to keep their children nearby at all times. While we are there, legislative work will be taking place, and we certainly don't want to be a hindrance.
As we who attend will be representative of our entire Alabama homeschool community, we want to dress nicely, but plan to keep it casual. When you arrive, you will be able to get your T-shirt to add to your outfit.
We will be asking our Outstanding Alabama Homeschool Students and those that will be visiting legislators to dress in business casual. In essence, that means traditional church clothes. For men: suit and tie, or slacks and a button down long-sleeve shirt. For women: suit, skirt or slacks with blouse/sweater/blazer, or dress.
Visiting Legislators:
Unless you know your elected officials very well or they have asked you to address them on a first-name basis, they should be addressed with their title followed by their last name. For Example: “Governor”, “Senator ,” or “Representative .”
The current state of politics can lend to some contentiousness. We want to remember that this is a bipartisan event as homeschooling families represent all political leanings. To that end if you find yourself at odds with a representative's values or opinions, speak the truth in love. We want to convey kindness and grace to all those we encounter.
Be confident in speaking with your legislators. Remember, they work for you! Let them know how important you see their job, and then convey the importance of homeschooling to your family.
We will be attempting to squeeze all we can out of this day. From speakers and presentations, to awards and meetings. We also have some special tours and other fun opportunities. Please be mindful of the timelines and honor and respect the event planners by arriving on time, and following sessions as they are intended.
There may be times when your family will step away and pursue activities separate from the group, but when you are attending sessions please be respectful of time and respectfully listen. Let's keep a reputation as respectful, eager to learn, and polite.
THANK YOU and we hope you have a fantastic time!
~The Alabama Homeschool Capitol Day Team