Museum of Alabama Tours
Alabama, homeschool, event, statewide
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Museum of Alabama Tours

About This Project

Museum of Alabama Tours

Security and Safety:

– Groups of 35 or more will be divided into smaller tour units. The total number in your group includes: teachers, students, and chaperones.

– Teachers are responsible for their students’ behavior and are expected to stay with students at all times.

– Food, drinks, candy, and large bags are prohibited. Visitors must leave large bags or large backpacks at the welcome desk.

– Non-flash photographs of exhibits are permitted. Staff often take photographs of school groups for publicity and promotional purposes. If your group has students who are not permitted to have their photograph taken, please inform staff upon arrival.

Arrival and Tour Time:

– Tour groups should approach from Washington Avenue and wait OUTSIDE for a tour guide to greet them.

– Actual time in the exhibit area is approximately 45 minutes.  This tour includes the Alabama Voices Gallery only.


Tickets are no longer available.